“Oversubscribed Bond issuance Building Depot Curacao B.V.”
“Oversubscribed Bond issuance Building Depot Curacao B.V.”
The ANG 34 million bond issuance of Building Depot Curacao B.V. (BDC), for which The Curacao Financial Group N.V. (cfg) has acted as Arranger and Listing Advisor, has been completed successfully.
With this bond issuance BDC, the entity of Building Depot Group that holds all real estate of the retail company Building Depot, has not only aligned its credit profile with its debt structure, but also managed to refinance and consolidate all of its outstanding debt against more favorable terms and conditions.
Bonds offered have been collateralized with the first mortgage rights on all real estate properties owned by BDC, which amounts to ANG 54,25 million, have a duration of 10 years and will make fixed coupon payments of 5% per annum.
The BDC bond issuance has been the largest issuance of the DCSX and has shown that the capital market of Curacao has a lot more to offer.