cfg supports CEO’s and business owners in the process of selling their company and in identifying acquisition opportunities. cfg guides companies during this process, from early idea until execution of the sale / purchase agreement.
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are a big part of the corporate finance world. Every day, Wall Street investment bankers arrange M&A transactions, which bring separate companies together to form larger ones. When they're not creating big companies from smaller ones, corporate finance deals do the reverse and break up companies through spinoffs, carve-outs or tracking stocks.
Not surprisingly, these actions often make the news. Deals can be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. They can dictate the fortunes of the companies involved for years to come. For a CEO or business owner, leading an M&A can represent the highlight of a whole career.
Caribbean M&A
Our Caribbean tradition is filled with lots of family-owned businesses and an array of self-made businessmen that have grown to their ventures to market leaders. cfg is specialized in Caribbean M&A projects. We are proud of being involved in several of these significant “one-time” events in an entrepreneur’s life time in which we have successfully combined our international financial knowledge and network with our Caribbean touch to close several transactions.
Are you curious about our success stories? Find out more.