First local listing on the Dutch Caribbean Secuities Exchange
The first local public offering of Bonds by Building Depot Member Services on the DCSX was a great success. cfg acted as the adviser to BDMS. The offer to the market was ANG 2.1m of 50k bonds, with a 4 year term, paying an interest rate to investors of 6.5% per annum.
The bonds were oversubscribed substantially, with brokers on the DCSX receiving subscriptions for almost 3 times the value of the offering.
According to the DCSX CEO Mr Römer, the significant oversubscription on the public offering on the DCSX shows that there is large interest and local capital available to be invested in transparent, well managed local businesses.
The DCSX offers a transparent platform to bring investors and target companies together.
This enables idle funds to be invested into the local economy, enabling further growth for companies and return on investments for investors.